Mission Statement
Heyford Park School is committed to delivering inclusive high quality learning and teaching that nurtures and enables pupils with SEND to be active, to aspire and to thrive within the school community and beyond.
Mrs Adam-Ali Miss Gough
Assistant Head SEND Admin Assistant
Greetings from the SEND department at Heyford Park School
SEND information Report 2023-2024
At Heyford Park we take great pride in being an inclusive and nurturing school. Our teaching and learning is personalised to the needs of all our children and we always aim to ensure that our children are able to meet their full potential.
We at Heyford Park believe that the staff, Governors and the EPA Trust must all work together to meet the needs of all our children taking care of the holistic child, supporting them academically, physically, emotionally and socially. We want to make sure that we create individuals who are able to move onto the next journey of their life confidently.
Please read the information provided below and look at our SEND Policy. We aim to support our children and parents and if you have any questions regarding the provision we have in school for your child, please do not hesitate to contact school and speak with our SEND team.
1. What kind of special educational needs do we make provision for in our school?
Heyford Park School is a member for the Multi-Academy Trust owned by EPA (Eynsham Partnership Academy Trust). We are committed to an inclusive education for all our pupils; Provision at our school is adapted to suit the needs of individuals. We aim to provide an education that gives all children the ability to have full access to the curriculum and social activities that take place in school.
Our Vision: Rooted in our community, Heyford Park is committed to achieving excellence in every aspect of school life. While qualifications are an essential focus, at the heart of our ethos is the wellbeing of each of our students, each of our staff. We develop academic accomplishment, we nurture talent, and we celebrate dedication. We are ambitious for all of our students to have the confidence to achieve their full potential – in preparation for a bright, exciting and happy future.
2. How does our school know if your child needs extra help?
The wellbeing of all our children at Heyford Park School is of the utmost importance for our staff. Children’s progress is monitored daily through teacher assessments, evaluations and observations, with more detailed analysis of assessments each half term to track academic progress. These are discussed during pupil progress meetings which take place every term. If a teacher is concerned about a child’s progress, or social and emotional wellbeing, then they will discuss with parents or carers, and pass on the concerns to the SENDCO.
Individual achievable targets will be set, involving the child if he or she is of an appropriate age and level of understanding, and parents will receive a copy of targets. The SENDCO may complete some additional assessments to help pinpoint specific areas of need. If the child is still expecting difficulties and not progressing with the individual targets, then a referral to outside professionals will be made, for advice, with permission from parents and carers.
Please see the SEND policy on the school website for more detailed information.
3. Who can you speak to at our school if you think your child may have special educational needs?
If parents or carers have any concerns regarding their child’s progress or social and emotional wellbeing, please speak with the child’s class teacher (Primary School) or Tutor (Secondary School) as soon as possible. Once you have spoken with them a meeting may be arranged with our SENDCO or Head teachers. We believe that your point of view as a parent or carer is invaluable.
Assistant Head & SENDCO- Mrs Tasneem Adam-Ali
Executive Secondary Head Teacher- Mr Craig Thomas
4. How do we know what progress your child is making and how will we keep you informed?
Class teachers monitor the progress of all the children in class carefully, with detailed analysis of academic progress each half term. Our SENDCO has links with the SEND Governor, who regularly visits the school and has meetings with the SENDCO to ensure the correct provisions are in place and the needs of the children are met.
For children with a Pupil Profile, the SENDCO holds regular reviews and monitors their progress through discussions with the class teachers, tutors, teaching assistants and the child involved. Parents and carers are given a copy of new targets, and asked to comment with their views about their child’s progress. Parents and carers are invited to review meetings which may be held with teachers and SENDCO. The SENDCO, class teachers and teaching assistants strive to make themselves available at practical times during the working day for parents and carers to have meetings regarding their child’s progress.
If a child has an EHC Plan, annual review meetings are held with parents, carers and all professionals involved with the child.
5. How will our school support your child and how will the teaching be adapted to meet their needs?
Additional adults in in class (where possible or needed) during morning and afternoon lessons and some SEND children receive 1:1 Adult support. We have teaching assistants delivering interventions to boost specific children’s needs and learning. Teachers will use resources specific to children’s needs, for example laptops, ear defenders, reader pens, coloured reading rulers and coloured writing paper, visual timetables, and adapt resources so they are specific needs friendly.
Where teachers have received strategies from outside professionals, these will be incorporated into the daily teaching routine.
6. How are decisions made about the type and how much support my child will receive?
We understand and stress the importance of Quality First Teaching and we firmly believe that all children regardless of need benefit greatly through the teaching of the class teacher in class. However, thorough tracking of children’s progress and observations by class teachers and the SENDCO may highlight that a child would benefit from some additional support and individual targets. External professionals may also be requested-with parents and carer’s permission-to work with the child to help pinpoint specific areas of need.
If additional support the child receives in school still does not help the child to progress and achieve, after discussions with parents and carers and the relevant external professionals, the SENDCO may apply for the child to have ‘top up’ funding. Applications are made to the local authority this can be with or without an EHC Plan. This additional funding will then be used to enhance the child’s learning. This could be through providing the child with 1:1 or group adult support or purchasing specific equipment and resources. For more information on the process, please look at the Oxfordshire website:
7. How will our school help you to support your child’s learning?
In primary, we run parent workshops for curriculum areas such as Maths, English, Phonics and reading at home in Primary School (when necessary or required). The school website holds information on each class’ curriculum.
Pupil profiles are sent home and discussed with parents and carers with recommendations and strategies to support parents at home as well and as school.
If a child has been assessed and observed by external professional, strategies given to the class teachers will also be shared with parents and carers. If necessary, the SENDCO can arrange parent support classes for specific learning needs, for example: ASD, ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia etc.
8. What specialist services and expertise are available or accessible through our school?
At Heyford Park we work closely with a range of external professionals to ensure we are providing for our pupils.
These include:
Advisory teachers from the SEND support team for children with:
- Autism
- Communication and Interaction
- Physical difficulties
- Hearing impairment
- Visual impairment
- Social, emotional and behavioural needs
- Educational Psychologist
- ELCAS (Child and adolescent mental health service)
- Speech and Language therapists
- Occupational therapists
- School nurse and health visitors
- 180 team
9. How are the staff in school supported to work with children with special educational needs and what training do they have?
Mrs Adam-Ali our SENDCO has achieved The National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination.
All staff will be receiving regular training sessions on a range of special educational needs pertinent to our children and undertake in relation to safeguarding. The latest training will include introduction to SEND and neurodiversity, Team teach, Autism in girls, Autism in boys and Physical difficulties. Some staff receive specialist training where necessary relating to the children they work closely with for example training on communication in print for a child in school with ASD.
We also train staff on necessary medical needs. Our staff have experience working with children with a range of special educational needs, including Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Down syndrome, and Speech and language difficulties, visual impairment and hearing impairment (all when needed).
10. How will our school ensure that your child is included in activities outside the classroom, including physical activities and school trips?
All experiences planned for our children are fully inclusive.
In the primary phase, swimming lessons start in Key Stage 2 and each class visits our local swimming pool with an aim to achieve 25 metres.
We have the Forest school and during the year each primary class has the opportunity it visit it once a week for half term. Special lessons are provided where needed.
We have wrap around care in school which is provided before and after school. We also provide after school clubs which are available for all our children.
Additional Music sessions are provided at Heyford Park. Peripatetic music lessons take place across the school which is called ‘Music for Wellbeing’.
Every year a residential trip is organised for Years 4 and 6 in the primary phase. Secondary phase also have residential trips which are subject specific and linked with topics taught through the curriculum.
We enhance our curriculum by planning trips to enrich experiences and provide cultural opportunities.
11. How will our school support your child’s overall wellbeing?
Heyford Park School is a very caring school and staff pride themselves on making sure our children feel happy, safe and able to achieve.
ELSA groups, complete social skills activities and joining friendship groups can be provided for children who find it difficult to socialise. The Senior Leaders support children at lunchtime who may be having difficulties socialising or find a busy playground a challenging environment.
The SENDCO monitors the wellbeing of all children with special educational needs very closely, through observations and regular informal discussions with class teachers, teaching assistants, parents and the children.
Our staff and SENDCO liaises closely with parents and carers to support any additional needs outside of school that we can help with. The majority of staff are First Aid trained, with members of staff having completed the Paediatric First Aid training?
12. How accessible is our school both indoors and outdoors for children with special educational needs?
All buildings are on two floors with lifts in place to go from first floor to second floor (if needed). We have disabled toilets located in all the different areas of the school. Staff are familiar with the use of radio aid equipment for children with hearing difficulties. Classrooms are dyslexia friendly and visual timetables are displayed in each class. We have wonderful outdoor spaces all around school which are easily accessible and used regularly as an alternative learning environment.
Teachers use resources specific to children’s needs, for example laptops, coloured reading rulers and writing paper, ear defenders, visual timetables, ‘move and sit’ cushions and writing slopes, and radio aids.
13. How will our school prepare and support your child when joining school and when transferring to a new school?
Staff from the Foundation Stage will visit you in your home prior to your child first starting at Heyford Park School. An information meeting is held in school for all parents and carers, and children have visit days, where they can visit before fully starting. There is a staggered start in Reception class in the September, according to age, and once started at school, another Parents/carers meeting is held?
As your child progresses through school, there will be transition sessions where the class meet with the next teacher and spend some time in the new classroom prior to moving up. Any child/ren who find transition periods particularly difficult or stressful, will have an individual transition plan. This may involve extra sessions in the new class, a picture or photo book of new staff, different locations in school the child might be using, and a visual timetable of class routines.
On leaving the primary phase to go to Secondary phase, any children for whom transition is a concern, the SENDCO arranges transition meetings with parents and
carers, other professionals involved and staff from the Secondary phase. This is for both those who are transitioning to secondary phase or a different Secondary school. The aim is for secondary staff to have a full picture of the child and to be ready for their start. The child will have informal visits to meet Secondary staff additional to those arranged for all children, to help them feel secure and comfortable in what will be their new surroundings.
14. Who can you contact for further information?
For further information please do not hesitate to contact the school and make an appointment to see either the SENDCO or the Head teachers:
Assistant Head & SENDCO- Mrs Tasneem Adam-Ali
Head of School Primary - Mr Rob Marchant
Head of School Secondary - Mr Andrew Binnington
Executive Secondary Head Teacher- Mr Craig Thomas
SEND Governor- Rev Lex Bradley
Tel: 01869 232203
Oxfordshire’s local offer sets out a range of support and services available to you and your child. This can be accessed at
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