Music Appreciation

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As part of the Music Curriculum, it is important to understand how to identify musical instruments, discuss likes and dislikes and identify genres of music. At Heyford, we are keen for children to have a go at this both in school and at home. We have put together a variety of music linked to our PARK values as well as a few song choices per term. Please have a listen and answer the questions. Have a chat at home about these songs using these questions.

  • How did the music make you feel? What emotions did the music evoke?
  • What did you think about while listening? What stories came to mind?
  • What is the song's message? What do the lyrics say? Do any lyrics repeat?
  • What instruments are used? How can you tell them apart?
  • What genres of music exist? How can you tell them apart?
  • What are the major periods of music history? What styles did each period have?
  • How do culture and music interact? How important is the context in which a piece was written?
  • How can a piece of music be judged? Is there such a thing as bad music?





> BBC Ten Pieces: <

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