The Primary Day

Updated as of 01.09.2023

Class starts at:





Triangle Playground

Giraffes (Year 1/2)

Flamingos (Year 1/2)

Dolphins (Year 1/2)



Line up against new tennis courts

Meerkats (Year 3/4)

Ladybirds (Year 3/4)

Sharks(Year 3/4)



Line up at front of building

Frogs (Year 5/6)

Hedgehogs (Year 5/6)

Turtles (Year 5/6)



Reception Gate off East Castle Street

Minibeasts 1 & 2 (Reception)




The Primary School day is from 8.45am until 3.15pm which equates to 32.5 hours a week in school.

Minibeasts classes will be entering their class through the gate on East Castle Street – parents will be asked to say ‘goodbye’ to their child at the gate. You will collect your child at the same gate.

Giraffes, Flamingos and Dolphins will be entering the triangular playground at through the gate to the side of the primary entrance.  You may enter this area with your child and guide them to lining up ready for their teacher to greet them.  Please can we ask that parents do not allow the children and siblings to play on any of the equipment at the start or the end of the day.   Children will be collected using the same gate at 3.15pm.

Sharks, Meerkats and Ladybirds should arrive through the primary entrance where they should line-up to meet their teacher at the area by the new tennis court.  This will be repeated for collection at 3.15pm.

Hedgehogs, Turtles and Frogs should line up at the front of the main Officer's Mess steps.  This will be repeated for collection at 3.15pm.



If you need to drive to school, there is a Park and Stride car park nearby which parents and carers can use. 


Children wear full school uniform, however, on each classes PE day, children wear their PE kit to school.


Wraparound provision is available from 7.45am until 6.00pm. 

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