Whole School Curriculum

Curriculum Statement


Our curriculum aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to enter an ever-changing adult world with confidence.  We aim to foster a life-long love of learning that, together with the development of personal and moral values, enables our students to progress to the next stage of their chosen learning or career pathway.

The outcomes expected of our curriculum are that it:

  • is broad, balanced and relevant
  • supports students’ development of a love of learning
  • supports raising standards of achievement for all students
  • delivers the current and future statutory requirements, including appropriate careers advice and guidance
  • is accessible to all learners including SEND and disadvantaged
  • enables progression within the school and between phases of education
  • helps students acquire understanding and knowledge of key skills relevant to school, adult life and employment
  • helps students develop personal moral values, respect for religious values and tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life

The key principles of our curriculum are breadth, balance and equality of access. Throughout all Key Stages, we provide a wide range of subjects and experiences that allows students the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in a broad range of areas of learning.

At Key Stage 4 students are encouraged to maintain breadth and balance in their subject choices. Students can study three sciences to GCSE level and students also have the opportunity to study Spanish alongside humanity subject(s) and / or an arts subject. We also offer a range of vocational subjects that dovetail with the GCSE options with the aim of creating a curriculum that is flexible enough to meet individual needs within a coherent framework.

Click here to see more information and curricular for each subject

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