
HPS Expansion Small

Heyford Park School is an ‘all-through’ academy, teaching pupils aged 3 – 16 on 2 sites in Heyford Park. Originally created in 2013, the existing school is now undersized and has insufficient capacity to meet the demands of the local community. The secondary provision at Heyford Park School needs to expand by 1 form-of-entry to meet the demand for additional pupil places from new and planned local housing development. 

The school is managed by the Eynsham Partnership Academy (EPA) Trust and this expansion project is being delivered in conjunction with Oxfordshire County Council. The project is funded via Section 106 monies generated by the wider development of Heyford Park. The proposed expansion is required by August 2027 ready for the new academic year. 

The preferred solution proposes to relocate the primary provision to the current Specialism Campus in order to create additional accommodation at the Officers Mess site to expand the secondary provision. The secondary school would continue to use the specialism campus for sporting activities only, significantly reducing the need for large numbers of pupils to move between the two sites with significant operational, timetabling & safeguarding benefits for the school and its pupils. The project represents a significant opportunity to improve, rationalise and consolidate the secondary provision that is currently split and provided across two sites. 

Further information regarding the design proposals can be downloaded in the documents section below.

Public Consultation Process

The consultation aims to seek public comments on the proposed expansion of the school and design proposals. Comments can be submitted online using the form at the base of this page. Alternatively, comment sheets are available in the school reception. 

The consultation period will run from Monday 23rd September to Monday 7th October. 

We would be most grateful for your feedback and comments relating to the proposed development at Heyford Park School. This will enable the design team to consider any issues raised ahead of making a planning application.

We may contact you to discuss your comments, please leave the contact details blank if you would prefer to remain anonymous.


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2230 Heyford Presentation Boards FINAL A... 19th Sep 2024 Download

Public Consultation Comments Form

Public Consultation Comments Form
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